Good evening to those of you who do not know my name George Bitsounis and through these articles I aim to help as much as I can people who want an extra income or gain financial freedom.

In today's article we will talk about Fiverr, Fiverr for those you do not know is a platform where you can sell services or seek services from other people who sell.

How to sell on Fiverr.

First of all, one of the key things to get started in fiverr is finding what you're good at and what you can offer some prospects. If you do not know something you can learn to find a seminar and learn a new skill.

Once you find what you want to do you have to look for a name in your account that will have something to do with what you are selling (Be careful if you put another name you can not change it) let's say for example that you deal with Photoshop our name will be related to Photoshop eg jonphotoshop.

Then after you finish with the name you have to make your first gig as it is called in fiverr, there you have to pay a lot of attention because in this part the better you do the better you will stand out from the rest of the citizens in the Photoshop category

Title selection:

The title should be very special, put your imagination and take the example of successful freelancers or even better if you are a complete beginner, first make a purchase from someone who has many stars to see how it will serve you.

Image selection:

In the image selection you should choose a clear image eg show your work that you have done. As long as you can not write many things on the photo, a very positive is the bright colors or even that you have a discount with red letters -30%, another positive is to have a refund research has shown that those who have a refund have a lot too chances are they will buy from you and the one who will ask for the money back will be really unhappy and will not do it on purpose.


My name is Giorgos Bitsounis and I have been dealing with crypto since 2014 and after several years in 2019 I decided to start this website and YouTube channel with the aim of helping as many people as possible to get started in Cryptocurrencies.

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